På hennes youtube kanal kan man läsa följande beskrivning:
Daily inspiration for awesome freeing abundant creative fun life
16-million video views.
WebTV 'Daily Inspiration for a Juicy Living' http://www.liloumace.com and http://www.JuicyLivingTour.com
I am an ordinary person living an extraordinary life. I learn from amazing people that i attract in my life and share my insights, challenges, lessons, successes on personal video blogs and interviews that i post here.
I lost my job as Internet Marketing Director on February 2009 and decided to record my diary applying the law of attraction to find my dream job. I became a published author in 6 weeks. The book is on sale on Amazon.com and is called I LOST MY JOB AND I LIKED IT: 30-Day Law-of-Attraction Diary of a Dream Job Seeker. Buy it on Amazon http://tiny.cc/Cxmzb
My latest adventure is called the Juicy Living Tour. For more details on where the tour stops, the interviews and how you can be part of the tour visit http://www.JuicyLivingTour.com
Denna person och hennes intervjuer, tror jag är något man ska ta sig tid att titta igenom. Och se vad som kan inspirera dig själv.
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